Many of you have let me know that some of my image pairings & arrangements pop up in other venues such as Facebook Swipe groups (esp. the great COMICS SWIPES Facebook group). Well, I'm flattered the posts are popular and that people enjoy PANELOCITY's swipes and "inspired bys", regardless of where they are presented. After all, the Internet is meant for sharing, right?

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Adventure #521 and the Legion of Super-Heroes

I came across this opening splash to the 2011 Legion story in Adventure Comics #521.  And I'm sure you can guess 😄what I'm going to say next: 

This image immediately reminded me of a panel from the Silver Age!

Adventure Comics #521 (2011)
Penciler: Geraldo Borges

Can you guess what the above Legion image reminded me of? 

Scroll down

Keep scrolling

Hint: think of another super team.

Okay, here we go!

The characters' positions and placement reminded me of Captain America and the Scarlet Witch in this panel from John Buscema's Avengers #44 (1967)

Avengers #44 (1967) John Buscema
Adventure #521 (2011) Geraldo Borges

Another view--ah, the déjà vu 😁
As noted earlier:
Avengers #44 (1967) John Buscema
Adventure #521 (2011) Geraldo Borges

I am a huge fan of Big John Buscema's Avengers, so I truly madly deeply love 💕this callback!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Aquaman #59 - Mera and Guess Who?

Does Mighty Mera here remind you of someone else? 

Aquaman #59, 1977-8
Juan Ortiz

Hint: This time Mera is not based on the Wasp. The panel's based on a different John Buscema illustration!

Scroll Down

Black Widow in Avengers #83 (1970) John Buscema, with inks by Tom Palmer

Yep, as soon as I saw Mera here, I knew she was based on  Natasha from one of my all-time favorite Avengers comics--the Lady Liberators issue! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Aquaman #59 Mera


More Mera and guess who??

Left: Avengers #57, 1968   John Buscema
Right: Aquaman #59, 1977-8, Juan Ortiz

Monday, April 11, 2022

Aquaman #60: Mera

 As I've mentioned, I stopped reading comics way back at the dawn of the Bronze Age. In the last decade or so I resumed my interest in comics--specifically comic book history--so I've been catching up on the old characters. One of the fun things about reading stories and series that I'd never read before is seeing all the swipes from the Silver Age! I recently posted a few from the Ant-Man series in Marvel Feature.

And now, here's what popped out at me as I was reading the 1978 Mera back-up feature in Aquaman.  This panel immediately caught my eye: 

Aquaman #60,1978
Juan Ortiz, penciler--inked by Vince Colletta

Okay, just Mera punching someone.  Yes, I know--it's a standard typical pose. But upon seeing this panel for the first time, I was strongly reminded of another panel from the Silver Age. Can you guess which one? 

Scroll down. 

Time's up. Let's take a look: 

TOP: Aquaman #60,1978 - Juan Ortiz
BOTTOM: Avengers #60,1968 - John Buscema

Yes, it's Big John Buscema again, from Avengers #60! 

Oh, I can hear the chorus now: "But Shaaarrrr--it's just a punch! C'mon, how many different ways can an artist draw a punch?"

Yes, I understand that--but look at the length of the punching upper arm; the other arm in the background; the waist indentation; the curved hip; the knuckles. There are too many similarities. If not a swipe, then the Avengers panel was certainly an inspiration. 

My curiosity piqued, I then took a look at the other stories in this Mera mini-series. And what I found confirmed for me that this was not just a coincidence. Stay tuned!  

Monday, March 7, 2022

Iron Man #21 and Fantastic Four #66 - Tuska Does Kirby!

Fantastic Four 66 Ben Grimm
1967: Fantastic Four #66 Jack Kirby
Iron Man 21 Crimson Dynamo
1970: Iron Man #21 George Tuska 

The versatile George Tuska had a long and distinguished career in comics; his stint on the '70s Shellhead was particularly notable. And it's no surprise that Tuska picked up some Kirby-isms, as he was one of the artists who worked for Simon & Kirby in the '40 and '50s (usually uncredited; much of Tuska's published work for S&K bore a "Simon & Kirby" credit). 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Monday, January 31, 2022

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Strange Adventures #222 and Marvel Feature #9 - Infantino and Anderson!

How did some young comic book artists of that generation build their skills? In part by studying the masters. We've already seen John Buscema as one of P. Craig Russell's inspirations; here we have Carmine Infantino (layout) and Murphy Anderson's Adam Strange from the cover of Strange Adventures #222. 

Strange Adventures #222 (1970) Infantino & Anderson
Marvel Feature #9 (1973) P. Craig Russell

Check out the SA #222 cover in its full glory over at the Grand Comics Database.   

Monday, January 24, 2022

Avengers #59 and Marvel Feature #9 -- More Buscema, Baby!

More from Avengers #59 and Marvel Feature #9

Avengers #59 (1968) John Buscema
Marvel Feature #9 (1973) P. Craig Russell

Yep, it's the Wasp--and Hank as Yellowjacket and Hank as Ant-Man. 

Jeez Hank 😖  

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Avengers #59 and Marvel Feature #9 -- Buscema, Baby!

 Happy 2022, everyone😊

Recently I read some issues of Marvel Feature. I'd never read this series before, so it was an unexpected bonus to come across some Silver Age swipes 😁  Yay!  

Today, Marvel Feature #9, pencils by the great P. Craig Russell, who was just beginning of what would be an illustrious career. Here in this early effort he was credited as "Craig Russell."  Ant-Man and the Wasp were headlining the series. 

Avengers #59 (1968) John Buscema
Marvel Feature #9 (1973) Craig Russell

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